Monday, September 09, 2013

Gmail alert on Pi with PiGlow

I use quite a few notifiers to keep me aware of incoming emails on my Gmail system.
On my Mac, I use Google Notifier in the upper panel as well as the Google Mail Checker and Mail Checker Plus for Google Mail as extensions in Google Chrome.

I also have a mail checker in Conky which I use in all my computers running Linux. And this includes my Raspberry Pi's.
(Yes, I know the apostrophe is both unnecessary and grammatically incorrect. However, without it the last term in the plural form of the little computer seems to refer to a bodily effluent).

Great, so I should never miss an incoming email?
Well, not necessarily.
A lot of times I'm working or reading at my desk without a computer which may therefore all be in sleep mode.
As a result, I don't see the Gmail alerts.

Well, the PiGlow add-on board provides a great and very spectacular solution for my RPi.

How to set up the PiGlow is fully explained here.

Next I wrote two bash scripts to provide the LED sequences I wanted for my email alerts.

Here they are:

Text File: new_mail

for i in {1..10} 
sudo piglow leg 0 25 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow leg 1 60 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow leg 2 100 
sudo piglow off 
for j in {1..5} 
sudo piglow all 100 
sleep 0.25 
sudo piglow off 
sleep 0.25 

 Text File: new_mail


          for i in {1..10}

sudo piglow ring 1 25 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 2 40 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 3 55 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 4 75 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 5 100 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 4 75 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 3 55 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 2 40 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow ring 1 25 
sudo piglow off 
for j in {1..5} 
sudo piglow leg 0 35 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow leg 1 70 
sudo piglow off 
sudo piglow leg 2 100 
sudo piglow off 

To use these scripts, they must be made executable by running the command
$ chmod +x new_mail

They can now be tested by moving to the directory where they are stored and running with the command (I stored them in my ~/Scripts which explains why I'm not using sudo)
$ ./new_mail
If all went well, these scripts may now be used to alert you to incoming emails.

I have referred before to the script by Baishampayan Ghose that works perfectly in Conky to update my unread email number.

I also mentioned in the previous post that I had updated this parser script to show the output in a different colour depending on the number of unread mails.

To get conky to alert me through my PiGlow of incoming mail just required me to further modify the script.
Below is the "heart" of the parser script that contains the changes:

def readmail(feed, maxlen): 

'''Parse the Atom feed and print a summary''' 

atom = feedparser.parse(feed) 

print '${color2} % s new email(s)\n' % (len(atom.entries)) 

elif len(atom.entries) == 1: 

print '${color3} %s new email(s)\n' % (len(atom.entries)) 

import subprocess"/home/paul/Scripts/new_mail", shell=True) 


print '${color4} %s new email(s)\n' % (len(atom.entries)) 

import subprocess"/home/paul/Scripts/new_mail2", shell=True)

The changes made to to enact the gmail alerts on the PiGlow are marked in blue.

And here's what the alert looks like (in a disappointingly unsharp video, but you'll get the idea):


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